2010 promises to be a year of dynamic changes for law enforcement in general and for the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office specifically.
As members of the larger law enforcement field we remain focused on working towards becoming a more integrated part of the overall community. We are continually adding and improving programs which enhance the lives of our constituents. Additionally we are utilizing intelligence gleaned from our investigations and from those incarcerated at the Bergen County Jail to deter as well as detect various forms of criminal activity. We remain cognizant of our role as the last line of defense in the ongoing struggle to protect our nation from the threat of terrorism. We are working with federal and state agencies as well as municipal police departments from around Bergen County to process and disseminate information in real-time. We are one team with one goal: keeping you safe.
This year promises to bring changes specific to the Sheriff’s Office as well.
The past 5 years have seen dramatic improvements to the agency’s methods of operation, technological infrastructure and relationship to the community. In so many ways the job has remained the same but we are finding new, more efficient ways of accomplishing our mission. The benefits have been twofold: a consistent increase in the quality of the services we deliver and a reduction in the cost of delivering them to the taxpayer.
With that in mind, the Sheriff’s Office recognizes the current economic climate. We are always looking for ways to reduce costs as well as secure new sources of revenue. In spite of the essentialness of the functions we perform, this agency has and will continue to do all it can to reduce the financial burden on the residents of Bergen County.
However, limits in our resources do not mean we must limit our level of innovation. The BCSO is currently utilizing its position in the criminal justice process to fundamentally change the likely outcome for offenders incarcerated at the Bergen County Jail.
The Sheriff’s Office is presently in the middle of developing a re-entry program relatively unlike anything seen in America today. It is bringing together members of the community, interested organizations and fellow agencies with the common goal of breaking the cycle of crime in Bergen County and reducing the likelihood that offenders will return to the life that landed them behind bars in the first place.
Whether you believe our corrections system should be focused on punishment or rehabilitation, I think we can all agree that fewer criminals on the street means fewer victims in distress.
This is only a small taste of what 2010 holds in store for the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office. We plan on making this the best year yet for an agency whose members already deliver an unparalleled level of service to our residents. We hope you will follow along as we face the challenges and enjoy the successes together.
Sheriff Leo P. McGuire